Successful media work today requires a finely tuned orchestration of content on more and more channels in order to reach the target group with strong messages. But how do we know if our communication is resonating? A key role is played by the integration of modern technologies and platforms that make it possible to optimally combine data on owned, shared and earned content, avoid data silos and thus create a coherent communication picture.

"If teams want to work in a topic-centered way, they also need to consider which tools they can use to monitor and evaluate their communication in a topic-centered way."

Oliver Plauschinat, Head of Business Development at Landau Media C Solutions

However, the majority of PR professionals are unable to assess which tools they need for their work and what the respective technologies can do, a survey in a webinar on strategic media relations has shown. In a joint webinar, Scompler, Mynewsdesk and Landau Media pick up on precisely this point and explain the coordinated use of tools in strategic media relations in 60 minutes.

Theme architecture as a strategic anchor point in media work

Data-based insights are therefore an integral part of future PR work.
However, the prerequisite for strategic media work using various technologies remains topic-centered communication planning, says Michael Schmitz, Head Partner & Solutions at Scompler. Only with a uniform topic structure can different analysis tools and metrics be linked together to create an overall picture of communication performance and allow PR measures to be managed more effectively.

"We shouldn't ask ourselves what we want to write for a Facebook post, but what story we want to tell. This is a change in mindset, that the channel is no longer the main focus."

Michael Schmitz, Head Partner & Solutions at Scompler

To achieve this, communication and PR experts not only have to define the relevant topics for their strategy, but also prioritize, score and evaluate which KPIs certain topics contribute to. After all, departments still fail to agree on concrete goals and to make it clear to company management what contribution communication and public relations work makes to the success and visibility of a brand. Instead of being the market leader on individual channels, the focus should be on being top of mind for the previously defined topics: Just as Dove stands for women's self-esteem and body positivity or AirBnB for the feeling of being at home in the midst of traveling.

Triad of tools for maximum resonance in media work

Triad of tools for maximum resonance in media work

Through the coordinated use of tools - in this case Scompler, Mynewsdesk and Landau Media - companies can plan and distribute their PR content efficiently and measure its success. This synergetic use of tools enables in-depth analysis and evaluation of content and measures, leading to continuous optimization of the communication strategy.

Strategic content planning and production

Strategic content planning and production

In Scompler , communications departments can strategically plan their topics, evaluate them in the topic score, produce content, play it out and transfer analyses such as those from Landau Media and Mynewsdesk. The cross-organizational coordination of content breaks down silos and creates transparency.

Efficient publication of PR content

Efficient publication of PR content

The press release planned in Scompler is published in Mynewsdesk and sent to the relevant distribution list. The fully AI-supported PR software sorts extensive journalist databases according to company and target groups and includes integrated analyses of PR content.

Media monitoring for measurable media relations

Media monitoring for measurable media relations

Landau Media uses media reviews and social media monitoring to analyze how the press release resonates with the media and how the company is perceived in the press.

Data insights in the planning tool

Data insights in the planning tool

The published press release via Mynewsdesk and the media analysis from Landau Media are integrated back into Scompler and can be included in long-term planning - based on KPIs or topic scoring.

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"Best of breed" solution instead of all-in-one utopia

The digital transformation requires an integrated communication strategy. Only by bundling media relations, media monitoring, research and analytics into a uniform strategy can companies ensure that their communication not only resonates, but is also measurable.

Companies have to say goodbye to the utopia of an all-in-one solution. All too often, these often pitifully plugged-together all-rounders turn out to be a dystopia that does not achieve the functional depth of individual solutions. What is needed is a best-of-breed strategy that combines the best functions of the technologies and platforms to create a comprehensive solution.

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Michael Schmitz

Head Partner & Solutions, Scompler Technologies GmbH

As Head Partner & Solutions, Michael Schmitz works with consulting and technology partners to develop solutions to help Scompler clients operationalize their content strategy, including with a view to successful crisis communication.