Presentation by Mirko Lange at the Shift/MarKom Content Marketing Conference

Planning with data, but the right way! Recommendations for data-based content and communication management

FromMirko Lange

How do you transform content management into real communication management? Many companies want to move away from "channel thinking" and instead want topic-oriented work with a strong strategy. Mirko Lange shows how this can be achieved using newsroom models and content marketing.

Lecture by Mirko Lange on November 23, 2022 at the Content Marketing Conference

The Content Marketing Conference is a digital exchange of experience for optimization in content marketing management. At the event, practitioners and experts discuss the success factors for effective content planning, production and distribution.

In his keynote speech, Mirko Lange explains what integrated communication management looks like and how it works.

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The author

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Mirko Lange

Founder Scompler

Mirko Lange has been a communications consultant for 27 years and a lecturer at several universities since 2001. In 1999, he founded one of the first consulting firms for online PR in Germany and made a name for himself as the first specialist for corporate communications on the social web in 2008. In 2010, he advised Deutsche Bahn ("Facebook Ticket") and Nestlé ("Kitkat"), among others, on crisis communications, which were hit by the first "shitstorms" in Germany. As a result, Deutsche Bahn, for example, aligned its entire communication to the social web, a process that Lange accompanied. This project resulted in the communication management software Scompler. Scompler now has more than 300 customers, including 6 DAX companies.