Lecture by Mirko Lange at the Communications Congress in Berlin

How broken is our media system? Follow-up to the invented Winnetou shitstorm

FromMirko Lange


On September 22, 2022, Scompler founder Mirko Lange presented the findings from the analyses of the alleged shitstorm about the "Winnetou case" at the 2022 Communications Congress in Berlin. However, the topic is much bigger than "Winnetou". It is about systematic disinformation and distortion; out of political interest, as a business model and due to excessive demands. And it is basically about the foundations of our democracy. 

Over the past two months, there has been a topic that initially sounds rather banal and has been the subject of heated debate throughout Germany: Winnetou. In some cases, the media response even exceeded that of corona or the gas crisis. Mirko Lange from Scompler intensively investigated the process with the new "Data Command Center" from Scompler , conducted market research, analyzed all the data and came to a conclusion: All the excitement was based on the distortion and disinformation of BILD. His blog post on the subject then received widespread attention. More in-depth analyses now show that Winnetou needs to be viewed much more broadly, namely in the context of gendering, wokeness and cancel culture. Mirko Lange says: "The topic has a significant impact on society, democracy and companies.

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And here are the presentation slides to click through.

And because it's so nice, here is the complete article on Winnetou in the heute-show. This heute-show article was created entirely on the basis of our blog post Der erfundene Shitstorm: Chronologie eines Medienversagens.

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Mirko Lange

Founder Scompler

Mirko Lange has been a communications consultant for 27 years and a lecturer at several universities since 2001. In 1999, he founded one of the first consulting firms for online PR in Germany and made a name for himself as the first specialist for corporate communications on the social web in 2008. In 2010, he advised Deutsche Bahn ("Facebook Ticket") and Nestlé ("Kitkat"), among others, on crisis communications, which were hit by the first "shitstorms" in Germany. As a result, Deutsche Bahn, for example, aligned its entire communication to the social web, a process that Lange accompanied. This project resulted in the communication management software Scompler. Scompler now has more than 300 customers, including 6 DAX companies.